This is a wonderfully relaxing recording. Imagine you're a string player, and you've invited friends over to the house to play chamber music. A glass or two of wine, and we pull out some Mendelssohn. This recording documents the way the music would sound (at least in my imagination). Tempos are very relaxed, the string sound is warm and gorgeous, play ers yield to each other in cooperative, musical fashion, and the world seems a better place. In short this is a great recording if you value warmth and sweetness in Mendelssohn. I greatly enjoyed the Mandelring (I/F 2016, but putting them side by side now, I think my choice would be the Harrington, who allow the music to unfold without being pressed or 'energized'. Here, though, nothing is forced, and, as I say, the world seems a better place. So, congratulations to the Harrington. Althouse READ MORE