Recording Strategies for Auditions
In the current period of the COVID-19 pandemic, students and their teachers have been forced to pivot their lessons, ensembles, school groups, studio recitals, festivals, and auditions to an online medium. While learning the new skill set involved in this transition came more easily to some than others, even the most tech-savvy among us have had to learn and adapt to a digital way of life. When it comes to recording auditions in particular, becoming knowledgeable about the recording process and the technology involved makes a big difference in achieving results such as winning a coveted spot in an All-State Orchestra or an honors ensemble or advancing in ensemble placement. For some, it eventually becomes the vehicle to an acceptance and scholarship for college, and later, a professional orchestra spot or an album release. Regardless of how it is ultimately used, recording helps musicians of all levels grow as they reflect on their own playing.
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