Cotik’s performances throughout are clean, bright and precise… you would be hard-pressed to find a more honest guide than Tomás Cotik.
Palm Beach Arts Paper
These are exactly what you would expect from Cotik–tasteful and well played.
American Record Guide
we are treated to Cotik’s masterclass in Baroque performance technique and interpretation
…nothing challenges Cotik, who uses a Baroque bow to lovely effect…The booklet essay says that “every note of these often complex pieces lies perfectly, if not easily, [my italics] under the bow.” Well, yes – if you’re as superb a player as Tomás Cotik.
The Whole Note
The comparison of the 4 Seasons with the legendary recording of the Kremerata Baltica and Gidon Kremer is not quite so blatant, but in the end I still prefer the Cotik recording because of its rhythm and its colors, which are more genuine, richer and more finely differentiated than what I hear in the Kremer recordin
true treasure…one of the latest gems to emerge from the season
John Terauds – Musical Toronto
5/5 Stars. Tomas Cotik presents a well thought-out and coherent view of this collection…in which the listener can remain acoustically engaged … never tired of listening, which clearly demonstrates the artist’s knowledgeable and intimate engagement with the material
His amazing technical skill and artistic know-how…create an indelible interpretation of Bach’s music…Cotik’s combines impeccable technique and an intuitive artistry to fashion a mesmerizing interpretation of these pieces.
These versions are unabashedly driven, backed by a slick technical ability, yielding a bold, fleet, forthright ride through the challenging yet rewarding contours of these mixed modes, occasionally dance-infused, and forward-looking Fantasias.
Early Music Review
clarity and tonal opulence rare in recordings of violin music